Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Frank and Ann

Tree with Spanish Moss

Jacksonville, Florida
What an enjoyable visit we had with Frank, my ex 
brother in law and his wife Ann.  I had not seen Frank 
since my son’s wedding and before that perhaps another 
20 years ?  Another of life’s collateral victims of divorce 
where a former relative one really likes seems to go 
away with the split.

We did find a place to camp nearby at Hanna State Park 
right on the beach, a wide and endless that stretched for 
miles and only a 2 minute drive from our site.  Primitive 
is the word for Hanna Park.  It has all the facilities and 
hookups but the thick undergrowth of Palmetto palms 
and closely spaced tall trees gives a prehistoric feel.  
There is plenty of privacy due to the  dense palm fronds 
at low level.
After connecting by phone with Frank, JoAnn and I head 
off, mostly trusting the iPhone’s gps,  to gather up dinner.  
We even make it to Costco for some rib eye steaks and 
get ready for a feast at camp.  Frank and Ann came by 
camp and we had the table set with broiled stakes so 
thick we had to half them, scallop potatoes, caesar salads,
lobster dip, wine, beers and black cherry cider, ice cream 
and chocolates and an aromatic  fire in the pit.  It did get 
dark quick so we had the candles and flashlights going 
as well.  It was a great time for wine, camp fire catching 
up.  We hardly scratched the surface of memories past 
but it was a great start.   As they had the next day off, 
Sunday,   we looked forward to visiting their home.
Frank lives in a little subdivision called Spanish Loop 
that backs up to broad grassy marshes that connect 
with the Inter Coastal Waterway providing endless 
kayaking, fishing, and a myriad of water activity.  
The Inter Coastal Waterway can be navigated from 
Texas to Maine with only a few detours out to the 
ocean.  The marshy plains give a sense of openness 
that seems to be an integral part of Florida, an 
essentially flat state.
After hanging out on the rickity piers but newer docks
of their neighbors Ann and Frank prepared a large 
shrimp feast topped off with key lime cheesecakes.  
All of this of course after we visited as much of the 
history in all the photos, jogging fading memories, 
soaking up as much as I could of any of the details and 
colors from each room, print, baseball collection, record 
collection and even Norm’s (Frank’s dad) old lovingly 
restored 68 chevy pick up. The years go by so fast with 
paths so divergent that coming around again to however 
briefly cross trails and touch bases is what life is  much 
about.  These rekindlings are both sad for time apart and 
at the same time happy at eye contacts and seeing those 
familiar facial expressions. There are always dreams still 
to be explored and new times to treasure.                           .

The next morning JoAnn and I caught up on much 
needed laundry then headed to the beach again for  
walks and watched he dolphins breech and surf for a
long time.  The water was pleasantly warm and the sun  
hot and  I ended up with a pocket full of shells I could  
not resist.  They will probably end up on the picnic 
table when we leave.
That evening we headed back to Frank’s to watch what 
ended up to be the last game of the 2010 World Series 
between San Francisco and Texas.   Frank a die hard fan 
of  SF has been waiting for 50 years for SF’s time in the 
sun and it was to happen this night.  Nothing like a
winning game to whoop things up.  
I had a little difficulty recognizing some streets at
night so with grumpiness I relinquished the driving 
back to camp to Jo.  
On our last full day in Jax we tried the beach again in the 
morning but it was chilly and overcast with dark grey 
rain clouds moving down from the north.  So its back to 
camp to clean up the trailer in preparation for moving on 
down the road... with great reluctance.  
We did however get together one last time to see Amy, 
their daughter, who was only 8 years old the last time I 
saw her.  She is now a mother of two and we met up 
with Frank, Ann, and Amy, and her son Jack, to watch 
Amy’s daughter Rachel play in a  school volleyball 
tournament. It could not have been a more brief meeting.  
Amy couldn’t have dinner with us as her two kids kept 
her too busy from one event to another.  It was 
disappointing not being able to talk with  her after so 
many years but it appears that she has turned out to 
be quite the lady thanks to Ann and Frank.
As our last supper we sat down for some Philly Cheese 
Steak sandwiches and YuengLing beers, a heaping stack 
of fries and talk of the sixties and past beginnings.  

Not wanting to say adios. 

Trailing off with talk of future connections some where, 
some time.
Thanks to Frank and Ann for taking the time.  Time 
being in some inexplicable way the only constant 
that is real.
The only reality that is constant.

See you down the road...
Ann, Frank and I

Jo and poisonous snake!

Frankie @ one of Frank's stores!

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