Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Night Roatan

Turtle Crossing, a group of perhaps a dozen, identical chalet style homes spread about the hillside facing the ocean to the S.E. The trade winds come from the E.S.E. unhampered and unhindered by any land mass, constant, steady and with house quaking vibration and heavily salt laden. All accompanied by howls and rattling vegetation. How does one shower that salt off with a house that only has a 2 1/2 gallon hot water heater? What am I doing here!
Apparently it is calmer on the West side of the island. Always two sides to every deal, right? This deserves a note about the web site VRBO, Vacation Rentals By Owner. VRBO gets a cut from every owner from the rental income. Thus it is not in their best interest to post any negative reviews or disclosures. They are a huge company and like any corporate structure their secrets are deep and hidden. Several times we have been burnt, twice on this trip, by non disclosures.
There have been a few times when our expectations have been exceeded. Count those on one hand. It has led me to entertain the notion of no more tropical clime trips and to stay home to build wooden boats in my shop. Which will bring with it the craftsmanship, the artistry and the engineering. What could be better.

Do not use VRBO unless you are willing to ask and they are willing to answer straight questions such as: Is the home screened for insects and mosquitos, Is the plumbing in good shape, Is there any corrosion with the plumbing, Is there good flow with the faucets, If gas fired do the stove burners work with enough gas pressure or is the flame yellow instead of blue (sign of low or improper gas pressure which will soot up all the pots and pans, Is the place quiet, Are there any barking dogs or children on the premises, Does the wind howl and blow constantly and with a vengence, is there good and strong internet, Is there telivision and dvd service, is there a radio, Is the house next to the parking lot or a long ways away up a steep hill, how many steps will luggage and groceries have to be lugged?
Now these may seem like picky questions but if you have saved your hard earned money for a vacation of peace, quiet, serenity and maybe healing or are elderly or infirm these things matter.

It may sound as if you are looking for isolation from the world well you should have the option to have it if you wish. This is particularly true if you are staying more than a week where in a week you can just "gut it out." If you are staying for a month or so these intrusions can easily drive you crazy. Especially the absentee owner's loud barking (right outside your windows) dogs. Barking most of the night and all times of the morning from midnight untill dawn will steal your sanity. Again, we were locked in for a month!
Then there's the howling trade winds of Roatan's East side, also constant, 24 hours a day, another receipe for maddness.
Must "buyer beware" govern all aspects of our lives?

We shall see if I can take it here on Roatan for more than a week. These things don't bother JoAnn as much so she might tough it out for the whole month. I don't think I can. The problem is they have our money and our deposits, VRBO, and will make no refunds. Don't you hate being screwed by the white handed money corporaes? They will not even print honest complaints or reviews on their web sites. Thus the scams self perpetuate. I guess there is just no end to the vast pool of suckerss such as ourselves. Ask those pesky questions.

There are places of sublime beuty, moments of memories to hold to tightly in this world. Its a drag to be pessimistic about the human race but how frustrating and impossible it seems when one tries to be accommodating and trust that your trust will be returned only to find our fellow man excercises ulterior motives to your negative end. To give of yourself expecting nothing in return is altruistic and pure but to give and have more than you thought fair and then some taken almost everytime is misplaced martyrdom or sainthood. Beware the money lenders and takers.

The world is just as viscious as it is beautiful. Sad to say, sad to say.......How best to survive, to live daily with grace and happiness.....?

All right, enough of this downer. "They" have taken from me yet again even in my late years of "experience" but tomorrow is a new sunrise and somewhere I will find refuge from these howling winds. Somewhere in the now.

Down to a bare main save for the storm jib on it's third reef,


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