Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Days 7 & 8

Day 7

I was wrong about coming to the end of the Prairie yesterday.  We still had several hours of driving through it today.  Its just that a few more trees are appearing.
Got got lost in Winnipeg at mid day trying to find the Apple store to go over downloading photos for our blog.  We hope to have it up and going soon.
Landscape finally changed by the end of the day as we began to enter the lake country and soon there was a different lake around every bend.  There are Aspens now and they are ready to go off.  No color yet , they just have that look.
We checked out a campsite, Crystal Lake, that was not in the bible of RVrs “Woodalls” and found it to be quite nice.   JoAnn fixed a great meal with pork chops and chipotle sauce.  Rum and coke seems to be the drink of choice that cuts the days tensions and tedium. It took an hour to wash all the bugs off the truck and the front of the trailer. Ready to shine tomorrow.  Again, there is a train track very close in the woods and this time it is using its whistle.  That lonesome whistle in the  night.
See ya.

Day 8

It is a beautiful and sunny morning.  We get our first glimpse of the Great Lakes, Lake superior.  There are lots of fir covered granite islands and outcrops.  It keeps me thinking of birch bark canoes silently among them.
A long day today, 11 hours on the road with 10 hours driving at a maddeningly slow speed of 55mph (90kph) max.  One could easily go 65-70 as the roads and traffic are quite adequate.  No one really sticks to 55; most drive 60 but the fines are quite high.  Jo did drive for a couple of hours but I hope she can put in one or two more hours per day.  At my age my gluteus maximus seems to be getting thinner about the bones and after 7-8 hours on the road my butt gets very sore.  Sore enough to need a vicodin (and a rum and coke at day’s end).
We pulled in to Camp WA WA! I am trying to take a photo of each site as with so many I am sure they will all start to blend into a blur.  They already have.
We are too tired to do anything but Jo insisted in making a full on spaghetti dinner.  Mostly I just pushed the meatballs around.
Sleep comes fast.

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