Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adjusting ( late publish from Roatan 2012 event)

Another birthday has come and gone. 66 years as an earthling. It was nice in this far away land of Roatan to get emails from my son and daughter, niece and sister and brother in law. The internet tap root survives. Along within the well wishes came also came news of another incident of my Mom's 87 year old struggles with age. Viruses caught in the PI turning into flu that settled in her chest then prolonged dehydration that turned into loss of any appetite and weakness and anxiety to fear. Thankfully my daughter Lisa was there on Maui to get her into the hospital to find out that a PA had subscribed massive amounts of antibiotics for what he thought was pnemonia thus leading to her inability to eat followed by dehydration. A doctor cut her off the excessive medication and my mother finally relented and let my sister know about her weekness and they hopped on a plane and flew over to help take care of her with liquids and coconut water. She's better now. But the age old questions about our mortality and generational passage again comes to the fore and we reacess our present states, review the past and try to see our futures. It's a never ending human process that we put off dealing with as if we had all the time in the world until we know we don't.

I've had some major adjustments to make here in Roatan to the incessant winds,and driving rains followed by stiffling humidity and heat. We go to the other side or end of the island. I've made adjustments to my expectations of reasonable quality and design and lack therof in all that is around me: wrong fixtures for this climate rusting away into corroded hollowness, a rental house with a 2 1/2 gallon water tank, property managers that don't know the first thing about electro mechanical devices and instead depend on local plumbers that also know nothing,
hoards of taxi drivers in identical little white Hyundais that slew about passing on every narrow blind curve and playing "Lets hit side view mirrors." I've adjusted to all these insults but still have to shake my head or wince and gasp up a "Yikes" or "Shit!" It's the best I can do to save this vacation and to try and make it better for JoAnn as well.

Still, I long for Washington state and the possibilioty of ensconcing myself in my wood "boat" shop. Also, there's a May "Pig Roast" to plan for in celebration of our youngest sister's graduation with a Doctorate in April. And I hope to spend a week or two watching over my Mom on Maui if she recovers enough to decide to stay. By then the year will be half over. Time again to plan to be away for winter 2012's approach. There will never be enough time and what time there is per Einstein's Relativity moves toward the speed of light as we come around the last corner. So we continually adjust to the changes that keep coming.

The winds howled again last night followed by driving rains that drenched the floors and furniture around windows we neglected to close. What a wet sticky mess. Adjust Tony, adjust.
I think this will be a pool day.